How To Take Proper Care Of Your Hair System: A Quick Guide

How To Take Proper Care Of Your Hair System: A Quick Guide

hair replacement system becomes a significant part of your everyday life, as it helps you conceal balding, thinning hair, or a receding hairline. Your hair system enables you to gain your confidence back by giving you natural-looking and long-lasting hair. Owning a high-quality hair system is a great investment that you can further maximise with proper care.

Most men typically have a simple hair care routine that works for them. However, this straightforward routine may not work for a hair system. Hair systems require more than just washing and brushing to remain natural and healthy-looking.

Below are some essential things you should do to care for your hair system properly.

1. Clean your hair system regularly

This is very important since your hair system can be prone to product buildup, adhesive residue, dead skin cells, germs, and pollution. Failing to clean your hair system thoroughly can destroy the root of its hair and damage its base material because of all that gunk stuck on the material.

Cleaning your hair system regularly does not necessarily mean that you have to wash it every day. In fact, doing so can weaken your hairpiece. A general rule of the thumb is to wash and clean your system at least every week. However, this usually depends on how dirty your hair is.

2. Use the right maintenance products

When washing and shampooing your hair system, you need to make sure you use the right hair care products. Maintenance products for hair systems are usually made to work on either synthetic fibres or human hair. Always check the product’s label to make sure that you buy the right type for your hair system.

It is common for many people to assume that regular shampoos work well for hair systems. However, this is a mistaken assumption that can lead your hairpiece to damage.

Aside from the hair itself, you are also cleaning the base that forms the foundation of your hair system. Therefore, it is essential to use products specially formulated for hairpieces.

3. Apply a good type of conditioner

Hair systems usually need moisture to stay healthy and shiny. Hence, it is vital to make sure that your hair system is adequately hydrated all the time. If you keep your hairpiece unmoisturised for an extended period, it can become dry and brittle and ultimately result in matting or even damage.

The best way to ensure that your hair system is hydrated is to use a well-formulated and high-quality conditioner. Apply a suitable conditioner to your hairpiece after rinsing out the shampoo to restore the moisture lost during the washing process.

However, make sure to not over condition your hairpiece as well. Too much moisture can make your hair system dry, mushy, and weak.

4. Avoid exposing your hair system to too much sunlight or heat

Too much sunlight is harmful to human hair. The same thing goes for hair systems. Overexposing your hair system to sunlight for a long time can leave it vulnerable to harmful UV rays. These UV rays and additional oxygen can change the hue colour of your hair system to orange or red due to the process known as “oxidation.”

Apart from sunlight, exposing your hair system to high temperatures and heating tools can also result in significant damage. Using excessive heat to style your hair system can quickly dry out all its cuticles and ultimately destroy its hair.

To maintain the high quality of your hairpiece, make sure to stay far away from sunlight and excessive heat as much as possible.

5. Store your hair system properly when not in use

Proper storage is also crucial to maintaining the durability of your hair system. Hairpieces are more delicate than regular hair. They can break easily when not handled and stored correctly.

It is ideal to store your hairpieces in a dark, cool place away from light and dust. You could also pin it to a canvas or styrofoam block head when not in use to preserve the hairstyle and keep it ready to use.

By storing your hair system the right way when it is not in use, you can ensure that fewer tangles occur and that your hairpiece maintains its cleanliness and style.


Learning how to take proper care of your non-surgical hair replacement system is never a waste of time. In fact, it saves you a tremendous amount of time and money since properly maintaining your hairpiece means that you will not need to replace or have it fixed every now and again.

Ultimately, if you want to have a handsome hairpiece that keeps you looking good, you’ll have to pay attention to how it’s stored as much as how you wear it.